Anthony Hall

Contact Details




Practice Areas

  • Administrative and Public Law
  • Appellate
  • Bankruptcy and Insolvency
  • Class Actions and Representative Proceedings
  • Commercial Law
  • Competition and Consumer Law
  • Corporations Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Environmental and Planning Law
  • Inquests and inquiries
  • National Security Law
  • Regulatory Proceedings
  • Taxation Law


Anthony was called to the Bar in September 2023. He has a public and commercial law practice, and accepts briefs in all areas of law.

Prior to coming to the Bar, Anthony was a Senior Lawyer at the Australian Government Solicitor in Canberra, both in its Office of General Counsel and Dispute Resolution Group. In the Office of General Counsel, Anthony provided advice to Commonwealth departments and agencies on a range of complex public law issues, and acted for the Commonwealth in constitutional litigation matters before the High Court and other courts. In AGS Dispute Resolution, Anthony represented Commonwealth departments and agencies in proceedings before Commonwealth, State and Territory courts and tribunals, as well as royal commissions, inquests and inquiries, with a focus on administrative law (judicial and merits review), national security and regulatory matters.

Anthony was an Associate to the Hon Stephen Gageler AC at the High Court of Australia, and the Hon Justice Susan Kenny AM at the Federal Court of Australia. Anthony has a Master of Laws (Hons I equivalent) from Columbia University, and a Bachelor of Laws (Hons I) and Bachelor of Arts from the Australian National University.


  • Bachelor of Laws (First Class Honours) / Bachelor of Arts (Australian National University)
  • Masters of Law (Columbia University, New York City) (James Kent Scholar)


To enquire about briefing a member of 12 Wentworth Selborne, or for all other enquiries, please contact the Clerk