David Lloyd SC

Contact Details
Phone: +61 02 9232 4272
Email: davidlloyd@12thfloor.com.au
Practice Areas
- Appellate
- Aviation Law
- Class Actions and Representative Proceedings
- Common Law
- Corporations Law
- Disciplinary Proceedings
- Equity and Trusts
- Inquests and inquiries
- Insurance
- Product and Professional Liability
David came to the New South Wales Bar in 2008, and was appointed Senior Counsel in 2020. He conducts trials in superior courts throughout Australia and appeals in intermediate appellate courts and the High Court of Australia.
David is recognised as a pre-eminent senior counsel in professional indemnity by the Doyle’s Guide to the Legal Profession. He regularly acts for solicitors and barristers in civil claims and disciplinary proceedings. David has a large practice in acting for (and against) most insurers in the Australian market, across a range of lines of insurance. He has a significant aviation practice. He acted for Malaysian Airlines in a number of cases arising from the MH17 and MH370 disasters, and regularly appears for international and domestic carriers.
David has appeared in more than seventy appeals in Australia, approximately forty five as lead counsel.
David also appears regularly at inquiries, Royal Commissions and inquests. He was counsel assisting in a number of case studies in the Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse, including at the public hearings into Knox Grammar School, Geelong Grammar School, Trinity Grammar School and The Kings School. He has acted for parties in the Banking, Aged Care and Disability Royal Commissions. More recently, he was Senior Counsel Assisting Commissioner the Hon Peter McClellan AM SC in the Special Commission of Inquiry into offending by former corrections officer Wayne Astill at Dillwynia Women’s Corrections Centre.
David also has appeared in a number of class actions.
Prior to coming to the Bar, David was a solicitor for nine years, first as an employed solicitor at Minter Ellison and then as a partner in a boutique litigation firm.
To enquire about briefing a member of 12 Wentworth Selborne, or for all other enquiries, please contact the Clerk