Jonathan Clark

Contact Details




Practice Areas

  • Administrative and Public Law
  • Competition and Consumer Law
  • Corporations Law
  • Inquests and inquiries
  • Insurance
  • Regulatory Proceedings


Jonathan practices predominantly in competition and consumer law, general commercial law and insurance law.

He has worked on numerous cartel matters (including criminal prosecutions) as well as misuse of market power and exclusive dealing cases. He has extensive experience with matters concerning misleading or deceptive conduct, unconscionable conduct, unfair contract terms, consumer guarantees, the franchising code, and product safety. He has appeared in and advised on a wide range of commercial and insurance disputes.

He also has significant experience in administrative law, privileges (both common law and statutory), director and trustee duties, and transportation law.

Jonathan has extensive experience in the conduct of regulatory investigations including preparing or responding to notices, conducting compulsory examinations and the exercise of regulatory powers.

For a list of selected cases in which Jonathan has appeared please see his CV.

The Legal 500 – The Clients Guide to Law Firms


  • Bachelor of Arts (Political Science) – University of New South Wales
  • Bachelor of Laws (Dean’s Certificate) – University of New South Wales
  • Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice – Australian National University


To enquire about briefing a member of 12 Wentworth Selborne, or for all other enquiries, please contact the Clerk