Michael Fordham SC

Contact Details
Phone: +61 02 9221 9174
Email: fordo@12thfloor.com.au
Practice Areas
- Common Law
- Education
- Inquests and inquiries
- Product and Professional Liability
Michael was admitted to the Bar in 1996 and appointed senior counsel in 2012.
He has extensive experience in medical negligence, historical institutional abuse, inquests, Royal Commissions, Commissions of Inquiry, and alternate dispute resolution. Significant clients include the State of New South Wales, the Commonwealth and the Australian Capital Territory, as well as statutory authorities, insurers and private individuals.
Michael has a substantial practice as a mediator in his fields of specialty. Much of Michael’s practice involves long term strategic advice, appearing in and managing teams of lawyers for inquiries and large-scale litigation involving numerous plaintiffs suing government and non-government institutions.
His work also involves complex psychiatric issues. These issues include liability questions arising out of care, treatment and supervision, and complex questions of causation and damage arising out of treatment, bullying and assaults.
Michael is regularly appointed to produce binding findings in apportionment disputes between insurers. He has conducted investigations for New South Wales Government Agencies, such as NSW Land and Housing (as it then was).
Michael is currently on the board of The Law and Justice Foundation of New South Wales.
To enquire about briefing a member of 12 Wentworth Selborne, or for all other enquiries, please contact the Clerk